Sponsors of the IP Society are leaders in the evolution of intellectual property law and business dynamics. The general public has a growing thirst for knowledge concerning the interaction of intellectual property in the realms of private, entrepreneurial, governmental, social and communal activities. The IP Society addresses this thirst and engenders wider popular support for the enforcement of reasonable and beneficial intellectual property rights. The IP Society enriches the collaborative process of the evolution of the scopes, definitions, modalities, and applications of intellectual property rights by including the public, professionals, academics, corporate leaders, intellectual property stake holders and thought leaders into a thoughtful exploration of these rights and their impact on local, national, and global communities.
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorships are provided on a one-year term. All benefits, potential and realized, expire at the end of the one-year term and are not cumulative. Please contact Patrick.Reilly@ipsociety.net to discuss sponsorship opportunities.